The Delaware Soybean Board administers the federal Soybean Checkoff, a 100% farmer-funded program, to benefit First State soybean farmers.


Our mission is to improve the profitability of Delaware soybean farmers by conducting research, marketing and educational activities which result in a stronger soybean industry.

About UsSoybean Yield Contest

Five Ways Delaware Farmers are Excelling at Sustainability

When Delaware’s soybean farmers began planting this spring, they did so with the environment in mind.

Based on statistics from the United Soybean Board’s “Soy Sustainability” report released in early 2017, Delaware soybean farmers produced 5.5 million bushels on 175,000 acres, averaging 32 bushels per acre in 2010. By 2015, through the responsible use of technology and implementing efficiencies in how they farm, they were able to produce 6.9 million bushels on 173,000 acres, averaging 40 bushels per acre.


The Delaware Soybean Board funds soybean research on an annual basis to support the viability and profitability of soybean farmers in Delaware.

Soy Products

Hundreds of different soy-biobased products are being offered today by American companies.

Yield Contest

It’s about more than bragging rights. It’s about discovering varieties and management choices that work for soybean growers in Delaware.

Latest News

You can also find more information on our Facebook page.

Facebook Posts

5 months ago

We enjoyed the opportunity to tour the Perdue AgriBusiness Oil Refinery in Salisbury in conjunction with our August board meeting last week. Approximately 65,000 bushels of Delmarva soybeans are processed daily at this facility to be used for feed, food, fuel, and more!

Following the tour we had a productive meeting, making decisions on soy checkoff investments for the upcoming year, and wrapped up an evening of fellowship over a crab feast.
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We enjoyed the opportunity to tour the Perdue AgriBusiness Oil Refinery in Salisbury in conjunction with our August board meeting last week. Approximately 65,000 bushels of Delmarva soybeans are processed daily at this facility to be used for feed, food, fuel, and more! 

Following the tour we had a productive meeting, making decisions on soy checkoff investments for the upcoming year, and wrapped up an evening of fellowship over a crab feast.

We'll be at the State Fair starting next Tuesday! We hope to see you there!The 105th Delaware State Fair has begun! During the next 10 days, there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with Delaware agriculture. The Delaware Agriculture Education and Commodities Building has many new and exciting educational activities for all ages. Tour beautiful Delaware farms in our virtual reality experience, offered by the Delaware Department of Agriculture. Stop by our state-of-the-art kitchen each day at 2:00 p.m., where we will have cooking demonstrations given by Delaware farmers. Also, we are pleased to announce that the bees are back! If you have ever wanted to see beekeepers in action and learn about the process of collecting our honey, this is your chance! We can’t wait to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less

Well be at the State Fair starting next Tuesday! We hope to see you there!
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Connect With Us

Danielle Bauer

Executive Director